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  • Writer's picturejsandersson1988

My First Blog!!!

Welcome to my Blog.

I'm new to the blogging world and this is my first blog...

So where do I start??

I guess, I could start by saying, last week was one of the greatest weeks ever. I finally made my life long dream come true. I am officially an Author.

I have wanted to be an Author for as long as I can remember. I love reading, and I love books. I wanted to create a world for readers, like so many Authors have done for me.

I love to escape into the world of make believe. Get lost between the pages. Lose myself in somebody else's world. I wanted to create that for many other readers.

I have spent the last year writing, editing and working on my first book. It has been both amazing and frustrating. At times I have wanted to throw my laptop out the window, other times I shut it in the draw and walked away. There were many days were the words flowed easy and I sat for hours writing chapter after chapter.

I had 3 days of formatting hell where nothing went right but a few other Authors gave me some advice and tips and I finally got it.

The E-book went live on Friday the 15th of March, and the Paper-Back goes live on the 22nd of March.

It has been an awesome journey. I've made some awesome friends on Instagram, and spoken to a lot of other authors, some even had me fan-girling.

Yesterday I was shocked to see that my paperbacks had arrived. I was expecting it to take longer.

Opening the box and seeing them, holding them, was the best feeling in the world. It was amazing.

I can't beleive that my book baby is actually a book.

Thank you for checking out my page and reading my blog.

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